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Advanced cosmetic injections, Pdo Threads , Facials and Lasers.
Aesthetic injector and skin care experts. Medical-grade skincare services.

Rejuvenation in a pinch.
Lip Botox Injection

Fall Specials

Valid until-11/01/24

Get your skin glowing this Fall !!!
​*Tox Days every Tues & Thurs $9 per unit

 *Walk-In Botox weekdays! 

*** Book with Emily or Michele for $8 per unit on Thursdays only *****

*Lip Fill $500 per syringe 

1/2 syringe $250  


*IPL photo facial $150 ( Reg $300)

*VI peel $150 ( Reg $225) 


*Laser Hair Removal Buy 1 Package of 3. Get 1 additional session free 


* Skinny shots & B12 shots $25 each 








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